People Make Places

STENCIL design antenna nottingham andy afford sam bowles people make places studio intern students collaboration

Here’s a selection of images from what was a really enjoyable morning spent with the marketing team from Confetti for a feature on the business.

The job was done on a Tuesday and features a mix of full-time staff and also members of our hugely successful Confetti intern programme, a thing that has been running for the past three years with this brilliant and hugely influential institution.

STENCIL design antenna nottingham andy afford sam bowles people make places photography
STENCIL design antenna nottingham andy afford sam bowles people make places designer
STENCIL design antenna nottingham andy afford sam bowles people make places graphic design
STENCIL design antenna nottingham andy afford sam bowles people make places art direction
STENCIL design antenna nottingham andy afford sam bowles people make places client filming collaboration
STENCIL design antenna nottingham andy afford sam bowles people make places design project planning